English → Horse

M 02 the anatomy and fysiology of the horse (EHm2)

How does our horse function?

We as horse lovers, users, enjoyers all want something of a horse. What would improve the manangement? That we update our knowledge. Learn more about what is a horse made of. How do they function.

Muscles and functions in text, photos and video. The bones, joints are mentioned and shown on a horse so you know where to find them. The vocabulary explained so you will understand the VET
This course is a very good basic knowledge eplained to you in an interactive way with text an video

Every one can enjoy this course. As a therapist, instructor, owner or recreational riders.

It will take you about hours to read and see through it , but the studying takes a while longer.

Our catalog will show you the chapters.

You will get a certification when you pass the tests and quests. Your passing score should be a 6 out of 10

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1
  • 1. Terminology
  • 1.1 Terminology test
  • Chapter 2
  • 2 Musculos skeletal system
  • 2.1 Types of Tissue
  • 2.2 Anatomy and physiology
  • 2.3 Fasciae
  • M2 Test chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • 3.1 Muscles and functions of the horse's head
  • 3.2 Opsomming Spieren en functies pdf
  • 3.3 Spieren en functies de movie deel 1
  • 3.4 Spieren en functies licentie de movie deel 2
  • M2 toets hoofdstuk 3
  • Chapter 4
  • 4.1 The skull
  • Video wervelkolom
  • 4.2 The Spine
  • Video wervelkolom uitgelegd op Quibus NOP
  • Video uitleg Imagine That
  • 4.3 The Foreleg
  • Video voorbeen Quibus NOP
  • Video borstkas Imagine That
  • 4.4 De borstkas
  • Video borstkas Quibus NOP
  • Video achterbeen uitgelegd op Imagine That
  • 4.5 The hind leg
  • Video achterbeen uitgelegd op Quibus NOP
  • 4.6 Joints
  • Anatomie op paard uitgelegd
  • M2 toets hoofdstuk 4
  • Je moet de toets "M2 toets hoofdstuk 4" afronden